Sometimes when you Love someone you will get tired of them, too many Fights, Misunderstandings, Argument, Forgiveness & Sorry. And when the time comes you will realize that all of the Sacrifices & Tiredness will make your relationship Stronger.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Flu! Go Away!!!

Akhirnya datang juga c SELESMA & BATUK pg melawat saya. 
Pls! PG main jauh2! Sengsara hidung sumbat n macam 11 sda ni. Tekak pun sakit. Luka sudah. Bagus kalau x gatal. Aiyaa. 
Get well soon to me sajalah ni. Harap2 akan sembuh secepat mungkin. HOLIDAY bah! Mana siuk kalau sakit. Apa2 pun kursus dulu. Baru KARAMAIAN! Haha

Happy holiday! (tuk yg cuti saja k. :p )

Saturday 9 November 2013


20 things you should never ever do as a lady

1. Do not shave off your eyebrows only to redraw them with a pencil… it makes no sense. 

2. Do not put on too much make up, you end up looking like you came out of the make-up factory.

3. Do not wear a vest or sleeveless top without shaving your armpits or without a bra underneath.

4. Do not leave chipped nail polish to wear off on its own, there's a reason why they sell nail polish remover.

5. If you can’t afford good quality weaves, don’t bother.

6. Do not do artificial nails that makes you look like a drag queen, simple is always sexy.

7. See-through leggings or a top used as a dress when you are out in public is a hell-to-the-no!

8. Never do things for a man with a hope of getting something in return, expectations are dangerous. Do it because you simply want to.

9. Never contradict what your man says - in public.

10. Never stalk the man that left you for the other woman.

11. Do not share your best friend's personal life with every Tom, Dick and Harry.

12. Women should never act on distress in relationships like checking your man’s phone, nagging him to death, and acting like a paranoid freak. You will simply release him to someone else by doing so.

13. Never dish out your entire family drama on a first date. The guy just wants to know about you.

14. Stop obsessing over your body. It’s good to eat healthy and work out but let's leave it at that.

15. Never over-accessorize. stop looking like a Christmas tree.

16. Never leave home without lip gloss, your phone and most of all, your dignity.

17. Never leave your used sanitary towel in the toilet for the next person to see. Women please!

18. Never wear very high heels if you can’t do the Naomi Campbell walk. You look like a drunk grasshopper.

19. Never wear short skirts and low cut tops when off to an interview. You will create the wrong impression.

20. And finally, 'Never wish to be like any other woman. There are others out there envying you for who you are.

 HIHI ^^

Monday 4 November 2013

Syukurlah kalau kau happy.

Eya. Dari apa yang saya lihat, saya dengar dan sewaktu dengannya.. Kau punya kehidupan sekarang lagi okay berbanding yang dulu. Syukurlah kalau begitu. Baguslah bah tu kan. Happy! Great! ^_^

Macam kau tiada penyesalan bah saya nampak. Tapi jangan sajalah kau buat orang lain begitu. Orang bilang KARMA itu ada. 

Apa pun semoga hidup kau semakin bahagia. :)

P/s: Your EGO is too high.